— title: Dependencies and project configuration order: 3 — ## Intro and Examples

_Tipi_ enables comfortable consumption of dependencies from multiple source like _GitHub.com_ repositories or _CMake Hunter_ provided packages.

Dependencies are specified in a project specific .tipi/deps file which can look like this:

```json {

“gh-user/repo”: {}, “tipi/gh”: { “@” : “v0.0.1” }, “gh-user/another-repo@file://repo-sub/folder”: {}, “file://local-subfolder”: {}, “platform”: [ “Boost::+boost” ]


This dependency specification ( aka depspec ) file tells _tipi_ on which libraries your project depends.

Every key of the JSON object represent a _library in repository URI_.

  • “gh-user/repo”: repository at https://github.com/gh-user/repo

  • “tipi/gh”: repository at https://github.com/tipi/gh

  • “gh-user/another-repo@file://repo-sub/folder”: library residing in ./repo-sub/folder/ of the _GitHub.com_ repository at https://github.com/gh-user/another-repo

  • “file://local-subfolder”: library residing in the same file tree at ./local-subfolder

  • “platform”: however specifies a dependency on a commonly consumed package that is shipped as a part of the _tipi_ currated “platform” package (that have been tested and integrated on all the supported toolchains).

Dependencies from remote repositories will be fetched by tipi at build time and compiled by convention and finally installed into ./build/<platform>/sysroot.

In this specific case :

  • for gh-user/repo the latest revision of the default branch (usually master) will be fetched on every build[^1].

  • for tipi/gh release/tag v0.0.1 will be fetched once and always used from cache

  • for gh-user/another-repo@file://repo-sub/folder the specified sub-folder of latests revision of the default branch will be fetched and built

  • for file://local-subfolder the locally residing library in ./local-subfolder will be built and installed

  • Boost headers distribution will be downloaded once and installed to the build using to _CMake Hunter_.

## depspec syntax

The <project>/.tipi/deps file contais a JSON object whose keys are either _configuration entries for the local project_ or _library in repository URI_ and the corresponding value contains the configuration required to consume those libraries as C++ dependencies.

The simple example below would have _tipi_ always pull and compile the latest revision of the default branch of https://github.com/cpp-pre/json :

```json {

“cpp-pre/json” : {}


The key “cpp-pre/json” is a github repository path (URI fragment “after” the github.com/ URI). It can be any of the following :

  • gh-user/gh-repo : Github.com repository path

  • file://local/path URI to represent a local dependency within the current project

  • gh-user/gh-repo@file://libs/sublibrary dependency to a _part_ of a remote repository

In addition to the basic _library in repository_ information following configuration attributes can be provided to customize how the dependency should be consumed.

```json {


“@” : “<branch/tag/name>”, “s” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x” : [“<excluded-directory>”, …], “u” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>, “packages”: [“<Package Config name>”, …], “targets”: [“<target name>”, …],

“@:<target>” : “<branch/tag/name>”, “s:<target>” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x:<target>” : [“<exclude dir>”, …], “u:<target>” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>,

“requires” : { … }


“platform[:target-platform]” : [“<dep>::<component>”, …], “platform[:target-platform]” : [{ “packages” : [], “targets” : [], “find_mode”: “” }, …],

“s” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x” : [“<excluded-directory>”, …], “u” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>, “s:<target>” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x:<target>” : [“<exclude dir>”, …], “u:<target>” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>, “packages”: [“<Package Config name>”, …], “targets”: [“<target name>”, …], “find_mode”: “”, “requires” : { … }


> All configuration attributes are optional and can be ommitted.

### Details

#### - @ : tag or branch name

  • if ommited the default branch of the dependency is fetched on every build (unless -n used [^1])

  • if a tag is specified is fetched once, then will be pulled from local cache on subsequent build

  • if a branch name is specified, the latestest revision of the _branch_ is fetched on every build (unless -n used [^1])

> You can suffix the key with the target platform to selectively use a specific dependency version on certain platforms, e.g. > specifying “@:wasm-cxx17” : “v0.0.1” will select the version v0.0.1 for the WebAssembly target and fall back to the latest > revision of the default branch for all other targets > > This attribut cannot be specified in the _local project context_

#### - s : source dir disambiguation

If a repository contains multiple sources directories with uncommon name they can be added to the list of includes or files to link with by using the source dir disambiguation attribute s.

This disables most of the smart inclusion detection and lists the paths in the build process.

> As for @ selective inclusion by platform can be specified by adding a target platform suffix: > > Adding “s:vs-16-2019-win64-cxx17” : [“src/visual-c”] will compile with the src/visual-c on vs-16-2016 target.

#### - x : exclude directory from scan

Directories can be explicitely excluded from source scanning by listing them in the x attribute. Directories starting with a . (dot) are ignored by default

> You can suffix the key it with the target platform to selectively include implementation dir by platform > > Specifying "x:wasm-cxx17" : ["src/native-code"] will compile the project without the sources found in the src/native-code directory for the WebAssembly target.

#### - u : use CMakeLists

Setting this to true will disable the convention build and have tipi rely on the CMakeLists.txt file found in the project.

> Note: this property expect a boolean value, so the deps specification shall not contain quotation marks

#### - packages, targets

Useful in combination with the option u / use CMakeLists as it allows to set the packages and targets we expect from the dependency to be searched for via CMake find_package.

The following example shows how to build the library libgit2 using the provided project CMakeLists and it’s own specific targets.

```json {


“@” : “v1.1.0-cmake-findpackage”, “u” : true, “packages”: [“libgit2”], “targets”: [“libgit2::git2”]



#### - requires sub-depspec

When using non-tipi dependencies the requires attribute allows you to specify additional dependencies.

```json {


“@” : “master”, “x” : [“/tests/” ,”examples/”, “include/jwt/test”], “requires” : {

“nlohmann/json” : { “@” : “v3.1.2” } <…things omitted…>




With the value of requires being a full “sub-depspec” (with unlimited nesting).

This attribution can be useful to change a transitive dependency, for example if you prefer to use BoringSSL in place of OpenSSL for a libary which would depend on OpenSSL.

#### - platform[:target-platform] tipi platform libraries

You can specify _tipi_ provided dependencies from a currated list of platform dependencies[^2]. These libraries are considered to be widely used and are generally tested on the supported platforms and environments.

`json "platform[:target-platform]" : ["<dep>::<component>", ...] `

By adding a :target-platform suffix dependencies can be selectively included only for certain targets.

If both platform and a matching platform::target the union set of both will be used.

The platform library dependencies have to be specified as follows:

  • “PackageName::+component” if the component is an option of PackageName to be linked but is always shipped with PackageName ( e.g. header only Boost distribution via “Boost::+boost” if our project uses that)

  • “PackageName::component” if the component is to be linked and needs to be fetched separately. ( e.g. “Boost::filesystem” is not shipped in the header only distribution of Boost, so it has to be declared explicitely)

  • “target::native-name” if the component is already installed on the environment and should be used. ( e.g. linking against libdl.so on Linux can be specified by adding “linux::dl” )

##### CMake built platform dependencies Further narrowing the specification for CMake find_package by setting packages, targets and find_mode can be achieved by:

`json "platform[:target-platform]" : [{ "packages" : [], "targets" : [], "find_mode" : "" }, ...] `

This can be useful for platform packages that need to be imported in a specific way, for example when accomodating for the use of complex systems like PkgConfig or because the package needs to be searched in CMake CONFIG modes.

An example would be depending on the ICU unicode library :

`json "platform":[{"find_mode":"CONFIG", "packages" : ["ICU"], "targets" : ["ICU::uc"] }] `

Note: For a list of available platform libraries please refer to [^2] .

### platform packages vs tipi dependencies

_tipi_ was built around a few opinionated choices among which was the descision to provide the ability to consume widely used C++ libraries via the “platform” library specification.

This makes their usage more common and via a single inclusion without needing to search the exact repository on github.

### Local project configuration

In order to provide configuration options for the local project (the project containing the .tipi/deps file) you can use the same configuration attributes as for dependencies at the root level of the configuration object.

```json {

“s” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x” : [“<excluded-directory>”, …], “u” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>, “s:<target>” : [“<src-disambiguation>”, …], “x:<target>” : [“<exclude dir>”, …], “u:<target>” : <use-cmakelists::Boolean>, “packages”: [“<Package Config name>”, …], “targets”: [“<target name>”, …], “find_mode”: “”, “requires” : { … }


> All configuration properties except the @ section are available, including the option to specify build target specific source desambiguation or inclusion rules.

[^1]: Unless the -n switch is used which then uses any previously downloaded revision

[^2]: Tipi relies on the structure provided by the platform base project for platform dependencies. You can explore it here: https://github.com/nxxm/hunter/blob/develop/cmake/configs/default.cmake